Jesus, they're hunting at me again!

Hi andux!!
I saw your picture on! wow!!
I'm Geert from Belgium (working in Holland)
I'm an photographer and I'm looking for sexy models in Riga, who
like to pose, and have a sexy mind. If you want to make extra money (I
good money) and you like to pose in bikini and sexy underwear. Or maybe
can work together in other ways. I'm looking for somebody to show me
in latvia when I arrive there in februari.
before. I also look for girls who want to come to Belgium or Holland.
I hope you are interested.

I speak English, French, and German, but no latvian, sorry
Geert (msn)
Ps i can send u some example pictures:)


es jau gan pateiktu ko viņš īstui grib :)


Pateiktu? :D Man ir vairākas idejas.
Piemēram, lai viņam nopērk rotaļu lācīti, jo viņu neviens nemīl un viņš kautrējas to izdarīt, jo ir vecāks par l'oģisko auditoriju.
Vēl viņš gribētu atsūtīt nevis modeļu, bet savas bildes un prasīt, lai novērtēju es.
Vai izlikties baigi krutais, jo viņam ir jauns fotoaparāts, un , kā arī jauni kabrioleti, tam taču jāsaista jaunas meitenes.
Or maybe even viņš domā, ka tāda "nice pic girl" mirst badā.

Re: :P

mi skūzī..sūti viņu bļitkot! :D

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