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ticot teci [Dec. 11th, 2007|10:22 pm]
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turpinot šo

The New York Times: The security guard who shot and killed Mr. Murray was Jeanne Assam, a church member who volunteers as a security guard. Police officials at the news conference called her "a real hero” who did not hesitate to act when Mr. Murray began his rampage.

“I heard shots fired,” Ms. Assam said. “There was chaos. People were running away. The shots were so loud that I thought he was inside the church”
She went inside to try to corner him.“I saw him coming through the doors,” she said. “I waited for him to get closer. I identified myself. Then, she said, “I took him down.”
She said she does not remember feeling scared. “I said, ‘Holy Spirit, be with me,’ and my hands weren’t even shaking,” she said. “I just knew I was not going to wait for him to do any further damage,” she said. “I just knew what I had to do.”

UPD. Un tomēr - izmeklētāji secinājuši, ka pēc vairākām saņemtām varones lodēm upurim/vainīgajam pietika spēka papildināt savu grēku sarakstu, ielaižot svinu paša galvā. Tikmēr citās ziņās (12.12.) - Lasvegasā skolas autobusā sašauti seši jaunieši.