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[Nov. 3rd, 2011|10:32 pm] |
[ | ausīs |
| | Nick Drake - Parasite | ] | Pēdējā laika blogosfēras prieks - "A Fistful of Euros".
Cita starpā tas noveda arī līdz pēdējo dienu interesantākajiem komentāriem nu jau gadu vecajam "The Economist" blogotāja ierakstam. "Empathy is always in short supply in recessions, even within the European Union where we are all supposed to understand each other instinctively. But really, the cross-border debate on Greece is depressingly simplistic [..]", autors toreiz sāka, lai turpinājumā aicinātu ekonomikām atdot arī nacionālspecifiskās vēstures.
Un te izlec arī daļa problēmas "The idea that liberal democracy can fix broken societies is an essential part of the EU project. That is, on the whole, a good thing. But it encourages a certain sort of small-scale-map historical amnesia, where all liberal democracies are considered more or less equal, and ugly pasts are relegated to a sort of historical basement where they’re not supposed to be able to affect the clean democratic present". Spekulācijas noslēgumu neatklāšu, pārāk jau nu interesants, taču tas pamato un dod iemeslus pašam iegādāties vai palienēt arī kādu Latvijas jaunāko laiku vēstures grāmatu. |