There's life - November 22nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 22nd, 2009

an omen. faulty one [Nov. 22nd, 2009|05:20 pm]
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[ausīs |Lindstrom: Where You Go, I Go Too]

"[..] If global financial markets tighten, the extraordinary willingness of foreign savers to finance the consumers and bureaucrats of post-communist Europe could shrivel almost overnight. That vulnerability is now matched, dangerously, by unlovability. Western countries might be prepared to bail out their eastern neighbours, financially or politically, when they are seen as valiant, fast-reforming success stories. When run by incompetent and prickly populists, it may prove to be another story altogether" (The Economist, 12.10.2006).

[Nov. 22nd, 2009|11:03 pm]

Tīrot pagrabu atradām pāris PET pudeles ar vismaz desmitgadīgām bērzu sulām - vēl vecajās mājās raudzēt likām, ar rozīnēm un citronšķēli. Daži trauki tika norakstīti uzreiz, bet pārīti uznesu, ziņkāres dzīts. Pagaidām vēl rakstu.

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