dystophy's Journal
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Tuesday, December 18th, 2018
Time |
Event |
12:51p |
fear and the nervous system Visvairāk cilvēki baidās no atomkara, kanibālisma un no sievietes asarām. | 12:55p |
think Drosme un objektivitāte reti iet roku rokā, cēlie varoņi. I am covardly, therefore I think. | 12:59p |
tas mirklis kad pēdējās cerības pārvēršas sāpēs. No dreams, nothing at all. | 1:02p |
I agree that there's some stuff that's too dark to be written even here in this blog; even with its relative anonimity. | 2:35p |
current mood Dyscalculia :o | 3:06p |
void I'll never live. Just learn maths. ^_^ And read some books. And go to work. |