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Friday, December 7th, 2018

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    man's, man's, man's World
    he pays her caring attention, he is ready to pay for whatever the woman pleases. Also, ask a man about 'women', and you will get to hear a detailed ideology, in which "all women" have role of second class citizens. The leading opinion of many or, maybe, most men is, that ''all men'' are equal; and ''all women'' are equal to children. You can make a long list of who's to blame for their being upset.
    Also, somewhere beyond their seemingly rational reasons, some men manage to envy "each woman's" irresponsible way of living, even though it exists primarily in men's imagination.
    a) Women, just like men, are individuals with different attitudes and way of living.
    b) Also, while men operate in physical reality, women's life consists of constant moral pressure, morally judging everything voluntarly or invontarily, and being judged by all sides. A stereotypical man would handle that clumsily, just like a stereotypical woman would be weak physically.
    Sometimes we need healthily realistic individualism. You can only point your finger back at yourself.

    sorry for this unnecessary post, but truth is a chore, and I sometimes need to sort my thoughts out
    The observed leading opinion of men towards women in discussions
    a) "all men" are equal
    b)"all women" are equal to children
    Meanwhile, in slightly another dimension, called reality, women, just like men, are individuals with different attitudes and ways of living. So the both statements, a) and b), are irrelevant.

    Iepriekšējais posts ir lieks, bet negribas dzēst. Lakoniski tomēr ir labāk.
    Observing somebody's image is like looking at a frame of a painting.
    The frame has to be fitting, of course.
    Ja vīrieši uzskata, ka ka sievietes ir pārāk emocionālas, kāpēc paši aizraujas ar tādām? Jā, Tādām.
    I put the blame on you.
    (es lieku vainu virsū Tev)

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