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Wednesday, December 5th, 2018
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12:00p |
klasīka ir kā mājas, kur vienmēr var atgriezties, lai arī cik tālu nebūtu aizklejojies. Tai skaitā popkultūras references. We love what we understand. | 12:31p |
kind of advice Ja diētas nepalīdz, ir jāsāk ievērot diētu. Vai jāsalauž zobi. Sāpošu zobu un 'kamola kaklā' diēta ir visefektīvākā. | 12:45p |
Melnā roka This world has black fingers, that are reaching out for me- for how I handle myself and how my body looks. Did I slept well or did I cry all evening. Did I drink half of the last night? (no, I didn't) Instead of nails, the fingers have eyeballs on their fingertips. They are trying to touch my life; and I'm making up this stuff again. | 1:06p |
Nina cried power I may not reach my goals in life, but at least, while on my way, I am totally capable of making everybody to repulse and deny me. Of course, there are more options than that. But in life, some options are highlighted and some are not. Must be neurons and habits. |