Vēzis un mobilie sakari ...
Feb. 11th, 2011 | 03:01 pm
From:: drako
Mēs zinam, ja mikroviļņu krāsniņā ieliksim plīša lācīti, mēs varēsim izņemt siltu plīša lācīti.
Mēs zinam, ja mirkoviļņu krāsniņā ieliksim kaķīti mums būs silts, bet beigts kaķītis.
Bet vai mēs zinam, ka mobilie aparāti mūsu galvu (un citus orgānus) "cepina" tieši tā pat, kā mikroviļņu krāsniņa?
http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/00-n ew-today.htm#3636d3c323af021de611b8ed40e 53bd1
Meklējiet kur sākas teksts:
"NEWS: A new formal paper published in Surgical Neurology proves that long-term cell phone use doubles cancer risk.
I told you so; i've been studying this since the 1970s when I started working in radio. Today, with everyone we know getting cancer, just what else do you think is so different from 20 years ago? It's that we've all had these little transmitters glued to our heads these past 10 years, and that cell phones operate on radio bands that just happen to be ideal for absorption by the head. Oops!"
Otrs links:
http://www.surgicalneurology-online.c om/article/S0090-3019%2809%2900145-1/abs tract
Mēs zinam, ja mirkoviļņu krāsniņā ieliksim kaķīti mums būs silts, bet beigts kaķītis.
Bet vai mēs zinam, ka mobilie aparāti mūsu galvu (un citus orgānus) "cepina" tieši tā pat, kā mikroviļņu krāsniņa?
Meklējiet kur sākas teksts:
"NEWS: A new formal paper published in Surgical Neurology proves that long-term cell phone use doubles cancer risk.
I told you so; i've been studying this since the 1970s when I started working in radio. Today, with everyone we know getting cancer, just what else do you think is so different from 20 years ago? It's that we've all had these little transmitters glued to our heads these past 10 years, and that cell phones operate on radio bands that just happen to be ideal for absorption by the head. Oops!"
Otrs links: