
(no subject)

Jul. 5th, 2009 | 03:35 pm
From:: drako

Zinājāt, ka ASV flotē ir kuģis ar vārdu Kaupēns? (Kaupens) :D



C. Yokosuka Home-Ported U.S. Warships

The 7th Fleet flag-ship

LCC19 Blueridge: assault-landing commanding ship, 19,648 tons, carrying 842 crew and 700 soldiers for landing

CV-63 Kitty Hawk Battle Group Ships

1. Kitty Hawk: aircraft carrier, 83,960 tons, 2,930 crew, 2,480 flying personnel, 70 commanding officers
2. CG49 Vincence; guided missile-equipped cruiser, 9,407 tons, 358 crew
3. CG62 Chanceller’s Ville: same as above, 9,957 tons
4. CG63 Kaupens: same as above
5. DDG54 Curtis Wilber; guided missile-equipped destroyer, 8,422 tons, 346 crew
6. DDG56 John S. McCane, same as above (The above five are Aegis-ships)
7. DD975 Obrien; destroyer, 8,040 tons, 319-339 crew
8. DD985 Cussing: destroyer, same as above
9. FFG51 Gary: guided missile-equipped frigate, 4,100 tons, 200 crew
10. FFG48 Vandegrift, same as above

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