
Informacija par pasakumu no Lietuvas (citeju e-mailu)

May. 6th, 2007 | 09:23 pm
From:: drako

Dear Latvian friends,

we are grateful for your readiness to participate in this action for the support of our Estonian friends.

The most important thing now is to show our solidarity, and without full support of our governments, with our Estonian colleagues in Tallinn restricted by the law to go to the streets and express their opinion, and facing serious limitations in time, we should restrain ourselves to the main centers of attention – mainly Vilnius, Riga, maybe Tartu (with Tallinn paralyzed at the moment), and the border zones between the three Baltic states.

We contacted our friends in Latvia , and they are trying to get the permissions for the gathering on the 8th 11:45 for making a small Baltic Way, cause today is not working day, all the information will reach us on Monday. For now we suggest to join your forces and organizational resources and do what you can on your own.

Important thing is that if you don't succeed in getting the permission, 10 people can still come to Latvian-Lithuanian ( Salociai-Grenctale point) and Latvian-Estonian border (cause permission is not needed for 10 people).

To succeed, we have to continue an ever expanding information campaign throughout our states and abroad, declaring our goals and the necessity for a peaceful action. We would kindly ask you to use every possible mean, first of all on the Internet, to spread our message further on.

The people of Tallinn, most likely, will show their solidarity with the flags of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia hanging from the windows of their homes and offices. The same applies to all other working people of the Baltic States, not able to participate directly. All the other activities, based on the peaceful means and the principle of non-violence, are welcomed in every single town and village of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, with the coordinated forming of the human chains as our main defining characteristic. We strongly invite you to respect the law and to inform the authorities about every mass-action you are going to organize. Do not pay attention to any possible attempt to provoke you!

We all stay united – hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder: Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and every other peace loving nation for the solidarity of the Baltic states!

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