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Friday, February 14th, 2003

    Time Event
    visi testi, kurus pildiiju teica, ka esmu gots.
    papildiiju veel testus:

    You're a mopey goth. You tend to shy away from most
    people, even fellow goths. Life to you sucks,
    and nobody will ever understand.

    Are you a goth?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    You're a cliche goth!
    Cliche goth!

    What goth are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    No, sorry. Stop kidding yourself. You are either
    a Mansonite, NINite, or Korn Kid, and you spend
    several hours of the day parked in front of or
    in Hot Topic. You're young and stupid and
    clinging to a label which you think earns you
    social acceptance and/or makes you the center
    of attention. This is due to adolescence and/or
    an identity crisis... or quite possibly, that
    you are just not hugged enough. Goth for you is
    a phaze you will soon grow out of.

    Are you goth?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    shie ir dzhi no rezultaatiem :)
    viss atkariigs, kaa cilveeks uztver vaardu gots

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