- 5/21/15 05:23 pm
- - Do you enjoy feeling powerful?
- Feeling powerful to me seems to be confidence. I mean, I have no power politically or economically.
- You are in charge of your life. The one deciding. Not depending on anyone.
- Yes, that's my power. Very independent.
- Independent isn't the same as just hinking about yourself.
- But deciding.
- So you are a powerful woman!
- So... Remind me, why would we ever consider not being single??? - 2 teicaMan ir ko teikt
- 5/21/15 08:57 pm
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose
- Piebilst
- 5/21/15 09:37 pm
Ā, man tā nav. Droši vien tāpēc, ka independence un freedom nav viens un tas pats.
- Piebilst