Daysleeper internet smilšu kaste - Day

Sunday, January 30, 2005

4:06PM - bankomaats

debiilie Kraajbankas bankomaati, vinjiem ir cita kartes izdoshanas sistema: saakumaa naudu un pec tam prasa vai gribat vel kaut ko darit un karti veel patur. Aiznesos steigaa ar naudu rokaa un pec tam tik sapratu, ka automats jau paspeja noriit manu Hansabankas karti. sasodiic. jasperaas pa taam bankaam chakareeties, necieshu. ZB.

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laba lieta, noderiiga taa teikt:

This site is a directory of Internet icons and computer symbols used on websites from around the world. Each category of computer icon is ranked according to worldwide use. Therefore, this directory can be used as a visual resource for website designers who need to know which icons/symbols have appropriate semantic values.

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