dasha9u4's Journal
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Sunday, January 25th, 2009

    Time Event
    how come no one tells me anything?
    okay, so Tebberz and Lance have been dating for a couple weeks now...no one told me!! oh well. yeah, and i am frustrated with life right now...probly just cuz i'm getting a headache. but my brother really pissed my mom off last night, and he's still on the verge of getting grounded. yeah, and then there's the whole dani/justin thing again. gawd, will it ever end? her birfday is tomorrow...got her a book i think she'll like, don't know what else to get her though. she's wierd. i want to just sleep. or take a bath. but my mom will be home soon, and then she'll make dinner, and then buffy'll come on, and it's the series finale of that...add to that the art project that i don't want to do. mehehehe.

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