tīri teorētiski - 14. Jūnijs 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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14. Jūnijs 2010

[14. Jun 2010|17:22]
šodien baisas ziņas no Osh, Kirgīzijā, tur notiekot genocīds: "Just talked to the guys from my neighborhood.They showed me the videos&pictures they have. Ppl, it's horrible! They show none..absolutely none of it on tv! Ppl r tortured, throats cut open, girls raped n killed, limbs n heads cut off, babies shot dead in cradles. Ppl R afraid of the military bkz men in uniform on tanks... shoot the ppl. They say up thousands of Uzbeks(not 100 how they say in the news)may have bn killed."
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