tīri teorētiski - 18. Februāris 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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18. Februāris 2010

[18. Feb 2010|00:20]
ņujorkerī par LV - Krievijas spēli:" You can get waylaid; last night, on my way out of town, I again passed the House of Switzerland; the scene was more subdued, but the TVs outside had on the Swiss broadcast, in French, of a hockey game from down in Vancouver (yesterday was day one of the men’s tournament) between the Russians and the Latvians. The Russians, stacked with offensive stars, are the Harlem Globetrotters of these Games. The Latvians were tonight’s Red Klotz. I pulled up a chair to watch a shift or two, and wound up watching the whole thing, with a rotating cast of passersby stopping by for the Molson and fondue."

Read more: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/sportingscene/2010/02/today-is-the-womens-downhill.html#ixzz0fpnM8HZZ
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