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un atkal kārtējais krekls šķiet uz pusi lielāks nekā iepriekš. kas notiek?
galvā skan:
Leaves' Eyes - To France
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On July 6th, 2011, 10:58 pm, [info]lullibi commented:
tu tikai neizzūdi, ja?
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On July 6th, 2011, 11:12 pm, [info]cuprum replied:
"help me disappear or to believe in a change. no way out of here that I can see. or the nightmares that burn into my head at night. make them disappear. so I can breath." random burst into song.. excuse me
pieņemsim ka tā ir vasaras vaina. viss paliek gaišāks un vieglāks vasarā. vai ne?
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