unciklopēdija Russia:
"There have been plans in the pipeline to replace Russia with another ocean, as Russia is mostly big and pointless and the ocean breeze would make Central Asia a much nicer place to be."
"The landscape of Belarus is one of incomparable beauty, where water and land form a harmonious union of marsh and swamp. The beauty of the land, skies, and waters has been augmented by the colourful effects and sparkling glow of radioactive fallout from Chernobyl."
"The economy of Moldova is being measured in Goat Domestic Product which is currently 7, although the Prime Minister doubts the statistical validity of the study. He claims the Cow Domestic Product should be added in, as well as the Sheep Domestic Product."
Interesants projekts. Par Latviju gan pagaidām nekas interesants nav pateikts. Varbūt kādam ir vēlēšanās uzlabot mūsu info?