Pēteris Caune
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Wednesday, June 15th, 2005
Time |
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6:49p |
Vēl, vēl, vēl
Dienā uzrakstu trīs rindiņas. Un tad ilgi tīksminos, cik lieliskas tās trīs rindiņas iznākušas. Vairāk rakstīt negribās - varbūt vairs nesanāks tik labi, kā iepriekš, un iesākts jau ir tik daudzsološi. 3 lieliskas rindiņas - vairāk taču no manis nevar prasīt, vai ne?
Šāda pieeja - galīgi šķērsām. Neapstājies pie sasniegtā, tēmē augstāk, un tad, ar laiku, varēsi paskatīties uz to tālo vietu zem mākoņiem, kur sākumā biji.
In the same vein, I remember reading about a pottery class where the instructor divided the class in half. One half would be graded on 'quality' - they would be graded on the best pot they produced. The other half would be graded on quantity - the more pots they threw, the better their grade, regardless of how good the pots were. The killer was this - in the end, it was the half of the class that was going for quantity that made the best pots. The group shooting for quality spent so much effort trying to craft one perfect pot that they didn't develop their skills; the group going for quantity threw so many pots that they couldn't help but improve their skills. (#)