15 Oktobris 2006 @ 00:44
kas tas tāds? :D  
You Are Mud Pie

You're the perfect combo of flavor and depth
Those who like you give into their impulses
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 00:47
mhm :D  
Pepperoni Pizza

Robust and dominant.
When you go for something, you go full force.
You tend to take control of situations easily.
And in return, you get a ton of respect.
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 00:48
fantastiski :D  
Your Daddy Is Dick Cheney

What You Call Him: Big Daddy

Why You Love Him: He takes you to Disneyland
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 00:51
nē nu man vnk trūkst vārdu :D  
You Are a Losing Lottery Ticket!

Full of hope and promise.
But in the end, a cheap letdown.
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 00:53
man arī sāk iepatikties :D  
You're A Passed Out Drunk

Drinking gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, until you're thrown in the back of a police car...
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 00:57
ai :D par maaaaz..  
Your Lust Quotient: 67%

You are a very lustful person - and it sometimes gets the better of you!
You know how to hold back, but you hardly ever do.
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 01:00
sviests :D  
Your Eyes Should Be Hazel

Your eyes reflect: Intellect and sensuality

What's hidden behind your eyes: Subtle manipulation
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 01:03
vēl lielāks sviests :D  
Your Lucky Underwear is Green

You're a total go getter who will scrape and crawl to get to the top. And your lucky green underwear will help you get there without a struggle.
A fast learner, you enjoy a good mental challenge - whether it's getting your law degree or running a successful business.

Sometimes you push too hard to succeed, alienating friends and wearing yourself out in the process.
If you want to reach your goals while still maintaining a full life, put on your green underpants. They'll help you slow down and enjoy life.
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 01:06
You Are 45% Angry

Generally, you are not an angry person.
But you're easily frustrated and enraged. You have one heck of a temper.
And because of your anger, you tend to feel resentful and even spiteful.
You already know how to quell your anger. You just need to do it more often.
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 01:10
mhm :D  
Your Dating Purity Score: 74%

You are an under-experienced dater.
This doesn't mean you're unexperienced - far from it.
It just means that there's a lot of romance left to discover!
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 01:13
People Envy Your Compassion

You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 01:17
par maz :D  
You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
15 Oktobris 2006 @ 01:19
Your Personality Is

Artisan (SP)

You are both grounded and flexible. You adapt well to new situations.
You are playful and free spirited - but you are also dependable and never flaky.

You don't do well in conservative, stuffy situations.
It's probably very hard for you to keep a normal job or stay in school.

You are always up for fun and adventure. Most people are too boring for you.
You take risks and bend the rules. And if things don't work out, you chock it up to life experience.

In love, you tend to take things quickly - but you have a huge problem with commitment.

At work, you need to make your own rules. You're best suited to be an entrepreneur.

With others, you are animated and physical. You prefer doing something with friends to just hanging out.

As far as your looks go, you tend to be buff and in good shape. Your spend more time on your body than your clothes.

On weekends, you need to keep active. From cooking up a storm to running a 5K, you wear yourself out.