Late night gaming! fck YEA! or Late night madness?

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May. 31st, 2008 | 03:41 am
music: Zombie Girl - The Darkness

Levelojos iekš Requiem: Bloodymare(jayīgi xd uztaisīts horror mmo, ar pretīga paskata mobiem un Physics dzini, kas ļauj apbrīnot to kā mobi šķīst, lido, un raustās nokrītot uz zemes... un vēl pieliekot to, ka nakts horror setingā ir tikpat gaiša kā diena. i mean wtf? but if there is nothing better to do Requiem is the shit you need :P hail open beta testus! they give you opportunity to ) cause. Cits ILGI gaitīts geims aka Mass Effect(no uber izstrādātājiem Bioware) atsakās sakarīgi darboties(bad example of piracy) un vēl City of Villain nav pagarināts ;_; as always the games you want to play the most isn't available...

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(no subject)

from: [info]darth
date: Jun. 2nd, 2008 - 12:18 am

oh... šadap :P

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