
Aug. 1st, 2011 | 12:01 am

man sāp sirds, gan fiziski, gan garīgi. man ir depresija. un man ir pohuj.

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Aug. 1st, 2011 | 08:11 am

Ir trešā diena un es jūtos gandrīz normāli. kaut kas no visa ir nostrādājis. ;D
Dear boy who broke my heart,
I watch Burn Notice, CSI, Psych, White Collar, Cops, Police POV, Dexter and NCIS.
Sincerely, ...there will be no evidence.

Dear world,
Chuck Norris is a red head.
Sincerely, ginger pride.

cik lieliski 8.20 no rīta ēst makaronus tikai tāpēc, lai sāktu gribēties pīpēt.

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(no subject)

Aug. 1st, 2011 | 08:25 am

Dear Bella,
So you're saying it WOULD be weird if I turned your used tampons into teabags?
Sincerely, Edward?

Dear colleges,
Ever considered giving us gingers scholarships? We are a minority and nobody likes us either.
Sincerely, think about it.

Dear americans,
Sincerely, you just read that in an accent didn't you?

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