- tik ļoti kodolīgi
- 1.6.06 14:44
- viņa nemācēja piedot it ne viena nieka, un es paliku bez bēdām.
...... un bez prieka.
tur aiz mākoņiem ir saule, tur aiz mākoņiem ir viss. es tikai nesaprotu, kurš ir nozadzis mums debesis.
viņa, kas atstāja mani bez bēdām.
...un priekiem. līdz ar to.
no matter what they tell us
no matter what they do
no matter what they teach us
- what we believe - is true.
i can't denay what i believe
i can't be what i'm not
i know this will last forever
let's live so no matter what.
no matter who they follow
no matter how they judge us
no matter the sun doesn't shine - 2 citas domasir doma
- 1.6.06 16:59
:) man saaka skaneet taa otraa melodija un nezud...
- Atbildēt
- 1.6.06 17:45
:) :) :)
oh those were the days, my friend, oh yes, those were the days.
we thouhgt they never end,
we sang and dance and pampamapam....
we thought we'll never lose.
lalalalalallaaaaaaaa - Atbildēt