Не кричать в травмотологии - МЫ ВСЕ СДОХНЕМ! - diez taisnība?

About diez taisnība?

Previous Entry diez taisnība?13. Jul 2009 @ 12:49 Next Entry
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Date: 13. Jūlijs 2009 - 13:00
Kā jau norādīts iepriekš - drīzāk pretēji. Kādreiz esi redzējis ko līdzīgu akumulatoram uz nokias plates?
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Date: 13. Jūlijs 2009 - 13:02
3. Press *3370# to access 'reserve battery power.'
False. On some Nokia phones, users can punch in special codes and toggle between speech codec modes to 1) enhance voice transmission quality at the cost of diminished battery performance, or 2) enhance battery performance by decreasing voice quality. Apparently, some users have misconstrued the latter as "tapping into reserve battery power." On that score the email is doubly erroneous because *3370# is the code for enhancing voice quality, so using it actually decreases battery life!
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Date: 13. Jūlijs 2009 - 13:18
ot ar to pieredzi pašvaki. neesmu īsti plastmasniekus ķidājis. bet nu .. iekš pc ar tablete ir. so principā iespēja pastāv.
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