December 29th, 2009

after sex.

Posted on 29.12.2009 at 22:55
"There are games...some of them are really hard to win and some of them are super easy and everyone wins. Thats the difference between love and sex. Sex is the game where everyone wins a little price and no one go home as loser, and love is a game which is really hard to win but if you do and you gonna take home that lifesize dinosaur then it feels whole lot better than taking home that shitty little plastic key pouch."

pavadīju savus ciemiņus, tētis man liek dzert karstvīnu, kaut gan atteicos, jo tas nav normāli, ka es katru dienu dzeru. nenormāli sāp vēders. mani pārņem mazliet trauksmes sajūta. bet es zinu, ka visam ir jābūt labi. kādreiz iešu arī gulēt. ja godīgi man tāda sajūta, ka es esmu citā pasaulē, viss apkārtējais liekas tāds nu šķietams, man apkārt visu laiku ir sabiedrība, es daru, eju, skatos, ir tāda klātbūtnes traucējumu sajūta.

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