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pretty hate machine

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[26 Oct 2004|10:02am]
Es vairs neko nejūtu.
3 comments|post comment

vakar naaca gaismaa... :P [26 Oct 2004|01:53pm]
kaads ir dzirdeejis taadu vaard n' uzvaard kaa Ilze Zarinja ?
vinjai esot meita.Vaard ir dzirdeets, nenoliedzu,bet tas ka es esmot sitis kanti vinjas meitai pie tam ticis atraidiits... hmmm.viela paardomaam.
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kā smejies [26 Oct 2004|10:19pm]
[ mood | none or other ]
[ music | Eels - Love of The Loveless ]

Šovakar man viss derdzas.

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[26 Oct 2004|10:56pm]
/me raud

[26 Oct 2004|11:22pm]
nee nu, karo4e.. djeelas taadas ja.. emm :DD
blje, buus jaaaiziet pie aarsta. kaut kas nava labi ar nerviem,jo buutiibaa bez iemelsa man vislaik ir suudiigi :P
6 comments|post comment

[26 Oct 2004|11:53pm]
dount giv a lat of taim, dount giv a deem.
dount tell mii vat tu duu, ai em zde meen!
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[ viewing | October 26th, 2004 ]
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