šķeļot viļņus -
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loooove, will tear us apart!!!!!! | |||||||
comments: Nospied sarkano podziņ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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bet kas tas ir domāts, jū, thin tip lajēēēr? starp citu mēs tevi vakar aprunājām, juti? :D | ||||||
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"Trousers are an item of clothing worn on the lower part of the body from the waist to the ankles, covering both legs separately (rather than with cloth stretching across both as in skirts and dresses). English-speakers in areas such as Canada, South Africa and the United States often refer to such items of clothing as pants." Ja nejutu, tad tūlīt jutīšu, jo aiziet, aiziet, aiziet... Kuru ķermeņa daļu tad aprunājāt? | ||||||
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tas jūsu pribaltiskijs aksents! ōl ai kan sei, tā nebija tā zona, kas ir uz fajera. 2 meži | ||||||
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Turpmāk es aizliedzu jums mani aprunāt! Basta! 4 pežas | ||||||
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Bet ja tas ir gluži vai slavinoši? Es par tevi tikai labo, nutak. 5 | ||||||
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Kapteinis Hipokrāts izsauc zemi! :D | ||||||
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Nooooow this tears us apart!!!! | ||||||||
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![]() No. This does :) | ||||||||
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kas par derdzeklībām atkal!? braineating? how sick should i feel? tyev nemaz nav jūtu. | ||||||||
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Ņam! Ņam! Par tām jūtām - un kā vēl! | ||||||||
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Nu, nu, necel spalvu čuprī :) | ||||||||
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do i look like a lama? | ||||||||
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Yes, indeed you do! | ||||||||
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Thnx, sweetheart. Again im apart and apart and apart.. | ||||||||
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A pop tart? | ||||||||
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nu! nu tiešām. (PEDvāle?) | ||||||||
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Odres Velna akmens Adrese: Talsu novads, Laucienes pagasts, Odre Apvidus: pie Mežmaliešiem | ||||||||
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tev tur ome dzīvo? :))))) | ||||||||
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Nē, tēvocis Belcebuls. | ||||||||
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skaidrs - no vella esi nācis, par enģelīti nekļūsi.. | ||||||||
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Tik pretenciozs es vēl neesmu :) | ||||||||
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a uz ko Tu ceri? | ||||||||
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Kas to var zināt? | ||||||||
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Tu, Krišiņ, Tu! | ||||||||
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Yarrrrr, tāda uzruna mani biedē :D | ||||||||
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Jo jēlīgāk, jo dzēlīgāk! YO! | ||||||||
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![]() Dīvaini, ļoti dīvani. | ||||||||
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kreisais āķis izsauc labo lukturi | ||||||||
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eee!!! blinkšķ? man neblinkšķ, es jau sabēdājos bez efektiem.. (blink) - tā arī ir, tikai ar pareizajām iekaviņām | ||||||
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šķeļot viļņus -