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Been there, done that - 11. Augusts 2006
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
El science
Publika vaicā: "Is it possible to swallow while standing on your head?"
El Reg atbild.
the new slavery
Anaheimas puisis vārdā Rons Stīns iekš eBay piedāvā burvīgu dīlu - par 100 000 ASV naudiņām iegādāties 2% viņa mūža ienākumu. Proti, puisim griboties koledžā, līdz ar to ir vajadzīga naudiņa. Investors rezultātā saņem 2% no Rona ienākumiem visā viņa mūža garumā. Eleganta investīcija, man domāt.

Kā spriež Nikolass Karrs, no kura aizgūta šī informācija: If the young could cash in on their adult potential while they were still young, then maybe youth wouldn't be wasted on them anymore. At the very least, they could dramatically improve the quality of their drug and alcohol problems.
Kas ir CapsLock
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Name: CapsLock
Ierakstu kalendārs
Back Janvāris 2008
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