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Been there, done that - 14. Maijs 2006
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
Sidnijs atbild
Turpinot tēmu par NHL rūkijiem un Kaldera balvu: lūk, paša Krosbija atbilde.

I am really impressed with your game in Riga. Keep on! I am just wondering if you think it's strange or even unfair that Alexander Ovechkin, who had experience from four years in the Russian pro league prior to coming to the NHL, is nevertheless considered a rookie in NHL terms and is allowed to compete for the Calder Trophy, while you were in your very first year in pro. We think you are the best!

Natasha Zhukova
Perm, Russia

No. Rookies are rookies in the NHL. There's no grey area: you either are a rookie or you are not.  I just happen to be younger then him.

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Name: CapsLock
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Back Janvāris 2008
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