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Been there, done that - 18. Oktobris 2005
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
Your private Everest
Everybody has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb. You may never reach the summit; for that you will be forgiven. But if you donʼt make at least one serious attempt to get above the snow line, years later you will find yourself lying on your deathbed, and all you will feel is emptiness.

Hugh MacLeod, How To Be Creative
Lietišķs piedāvajums - ir iespēja sastādīt kompāniju vēl 3 cilvēkiem braucienā uz Berlīni uz 3 dienām laikā starp Ziemassvētkiem un Jaunogadu. Lidmašīnas + viesnīcas izmaksas - apmēram 100 Ls. Pieteikties šodien.
Kas ir CapsLock
User: [info]capslock
Name: CapsLock
Ierakstu kalendārs
Back Janvāris 2008
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