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Been there, done that - 31. Augusts 2005
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
(Turpinot tēmu par Moriseju un Londonu)

Oh, here in London
"Home of the brash, outrageous and free"
You are repressed
But you're remarkably dressed

Mūzika: Morrissey - Hairdresser on fire

Celebrity blogs
FYI: "Vakara Ziņu" un "Privātas Dzīves" lasītājiem - Blondes with Blogs. Britnija S., Anna K., Pamela A., Džiliana A. (aka Skalija) un Bārbra Streizande. Enjoy.
Fantastiska lasāmviela par sales lietām -

The one thing I would NEVER EVER do was say: Can I help you?

It never ceases to amaze me how many so-called sales people still say that day-after-day. And you know what? They get the same answer almost every time. "No, thank you. I'm just looking." There is no good reply to this.

What I would do is speak first and say, "Hi folks. Listen, we have some really nice floor mats, you want just one or maybe two so you can give one as a gift?

This gets them to do one of two things
#1. buy one or more of the floor mats. You'd be surprised how many floor mats I sold when we had those things.
#2. Say: "no thanks I was looking for ----------

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