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Been there, done that - 29. Jūlijs 2005
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
Active voice
Padoms trash žanra autoriem, piemēram, ehm, FHM žurnālistiem vai porno presrelīžu rakstītājiem:

“In the writing world we have two kinds of voice - passive and active. Passive voice is for wimps, fairies, and limp-wristed momma's boys. Active voice is the voice of power, action, and drive. Active voice knocks you on your ass, kicks you in the balls, rips out your heart, shows the bleeding pumper to you, then spits in your fucking face while squeezing you to death."

(Borrowed from Phil Phantom’s Guide to writing Good Trash)


Ak jā, un summinājumi visiem sisadminiem (esošajiem un bijušajiem) viņu dienā ;)

Mūzika: Mad Professor - Kunte 96

Q & A
Q: I am bored. Should I tell you about that?
A: Not really. I bet you haven't talked to a family member recently. Give them a ring.

(No kāda message boarda Q&A)

Mūzika: Against All Authority - It Really Sucks When...

Kas ir CapsLock
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Name: CapsLock
Ierakstu kalendārs
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