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Been there, done that - 15. Jūlijs 2005
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
Side effects
(There is no such thing as) side effects. There's only effects. When you make something or sell something, it affects the world around it. Some of those effects are things you want. The others, the negative ones, are unintended, but they are still real. These bad effects are just as important as the good ones. And smart marketers are honest about them.

(Seth Godin)

Mūzika: Bad Manners - This Is Ska

Word of the day
Waterquake - zemūdens zemestrīce.

Bet omg kā negribās strādāt, tikai lēkāt un skankot vien. Vai vismaz darīt to apvienojumā ar strādāšanas procesu. Bet baidos, ka kolēģi nenovērtēs.

Mūzika: The Skankers - Gone

Kas ir CapsLock
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Name: CapsLock
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