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Been there, done that - 29. Septembris 2004
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
Huh, izrādās, ka Interpol septembrī ir iznācis jauns albums, Antics. Tā jau varēja secināt, redzot nedzirdētu dziesmu vakar iekš MTV2 NME Music Chart, pie tam 1-ajā vietā... :)

Had Interpol been honest with themselves before making their second album, they would've accepted the fact that improving on the debut would be out of the question. Their prime objective, then, would be to make a different record -- not a better one. Suck it up, prepare for the inevitable "sophomore slump" darts, and get on with it. The truth, as alluded to above, is that they will never make a record as special as the debut. However, following it with one that is merely very good is no crime.

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Name: CapsLock
Ierakstu kalendārs
Back Janvāris 2008
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