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Been there, done that - 9. Augusts 2004
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
I'm in a mood for spam
So be prepared :)
A 70-year-old Moroccan cut off his penis in protest at his wife's long refusal to have sex with him, hospital sources say. "He didn't bring his penis with him. He has left the hospital well, but without his penis," a doctor from the Ibn Toufail hospital told Reuters on Saturday.
A German prisoner in Madrid and his girlfriend glued their hands together during a jail visit in an attempt to fight the man's possible extradition to Germany, judicial sources said on Thursday. The pair were taken to hospital, where doctors were considering whether to operate or use a powerful solvent to separate the man's left hand from the woman's right. The glue is a type normally used in car repairs.
User friendly
User Friendly on Doom III.
cyrkam airtos - ultimate izklaide ofisā karstā vasaras dienā.
..šovakar rulz. Vispirms Sex Pistols vs. The Clash, pēc tam Liam Howlett no The Prodigy stāsta, kā viņš bērnībā ir pavilcies no 2-tone ska un The Specials jo īpaši... Ehh...
La Vela Puerca
Ak jā, atcerējos, kur es esmu dzirdējis nosaukumu La Vela Puerca - braucot šovasar pa Eiropu izkāpu no busiņa Zalcburgā un viena no pirmajām lietam, ko ieraudzīju, bija plakāts, kas reklamēja La Vela Puerca, slavenāko Urugvajas ska grupu... Kā tagad atceros - nobrīnījos, nosaukumu pierakstīju, bet pēcāk pameklēt piemirsu...
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