Hokeja cilvēkiem tomēr ir fantastiska humora izjūta - šodien veseli trīs lieliski citāti:
1. Rhet Warrener par ziņu, ka viņš ir aizmainīts bo Buffalo uz Calgary:
"It was kind of surprising when I was sitting in my brother's house here in Calgary, when the phone rang and Darcy said `We traded you to Calgary,"' he said. "My first words were, well, I'm already here, so. ..."
2. Chris Drury par savu mainīšas pieredzi:
"I just don't know what to think. I'm in Colorado and they tell me that they like the way I play, and I get traded. I go to Calgary ... and I get traded. I just hope my fiance doesn't tell me she likes me and, well."
3. Derian Hatcher par līguma noslēgšanu ar Detroit Red Wings:
"My wife always thought I looked good in red."