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Been there, done that - Funny...
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Nick W no Threadwatch par nebaudāmiem blog entry virsrakstiem

I'm busy. I'm always busy, busy is what we do right? So why is it that people still insist in titling their blog and forum posts in most absurd, unappealing and utterly moronic manner? Maybe i need a break heh...

Help Me!!!
Firstly, you should be shot for the multiple exclamation marks, you're clearly a headcase to begin with. Secondly, why the fuck would i want to help you? I told you, im busy...

What is? What's so fucking funny? I wouldn't know, there's no way in hell im clicking on your damn link - sell it to me...

You heard it here first!
Actually, no, i didn't. Heard what? I just can't be arsed to click something unless i have a reasonable idea of what i'll find when i get there ok?


How hard can it be to write a good title? Im sure i don't get it even half close to perfect but i do try, which is more than can be said for the 10 or so blogs i just nuked from my RSS on the basis that consistently shit title's is a waste of my time.

Kas ir CapsLock
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Name: CapsLock
Ierakstu kalendārs
Back Janvāris 2008
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