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Been there, done that - Komentāri
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
How to PR
Daži padomi PR aģentūru cilvēkiem kā rīkoties, ja viņi vēlas, lai viņu preses relīzes tiktu publicētas, no saimnieka Nick W:

Here's the criteria - it's common sense really:

  • Talk to me, if i get an impersonal PR release, i'll not publish it on general fucking principle.
  • In that vain, establish a line of communication. Talk to me about what i'd like to know about, find out about TW before spamming me ok?
  • Don't send me bollocks. I can talk shit all day long, i don't need you to help me. If you have something that fits TW then i'd love to hear it. If you're just blanket emailing a bunch of industry blogs about some lame PR stunt, i couldn't give a flying fuck, and it will damage any future communications.
  • Understand, that we don't need you. Im just as happy to link to Danny, Cnet, NYT or any of the other Press release list if it interests me. The point here being, that although im disinclined to show favoritism, im only human, and am more inclined to be kind if i think i've been treated with a little respect - ignore me, and im more inclined to be a belligerent bastard about it - that's life.
  • READ THREADWATCH - want your stuff here? Sheeesh, how hard can it be?
Nebūtu slikti, ja arī Latvijas PRisti šo te ņemtu vērā. Latvija tomēr ir maza valstiņa, kurā visu visus pazīst, vismaz šajās aprindās, līdz ar to nebūtu grūti sekot šiem padomiem. Diemžēl Latvijas mēdiju pārstāvjiem ne tuvu nav tādas attieksmes kā Nikam, līdz ar to abas puses, PRisti un žurnālisti, turpina slīgt pašapmierināta haltūrēšanā.


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