CannibalSmith - Post a comment

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pirkt vai nepirktOctober 7th, 2006 - 02:02 pm
Šis ir turpinājums iepriekšējajam pukstam.

PhotoReading @ Wikipedia:
There is some doubt about the ability of the human brain to be able to take in such a quantity of information. The human vision span is somewhat limited for this purpose, and the theories that support the practice of photoreading are based mostly on debunked pseudoscience rather than rigorous research into reading.[citation needed] A more scientific explanation for any success in photoreading may be that the individual is simply scanning the text in order to get an overview.

Speed Reading @ Wikipedia:
Detractors claim that the technique is merely skimming or that the entire concept is a marketing scam.

Veselas mācības radīšana, lai nokāstu naudu ož pēc sazvērestību torijas. Bet tad es atceros par Scientoloģiju. Taču pārlieku liela paranoja un skepse ir nekas vairāk kā bailes no neveiksmes. Kas neriskē, tas nedzer šampi.

PhotoReading Questions Answered:
- Steve, do you get an affiliate commission when someone buys PhotoReading using your discount code?
- Of course. Directly or indirectly, I generate income from pretty much everything I write. [..] I’m aware that some people get bent out of shape when there’s a financial gain to be realized from a product recommendation.

Vismaz viņš godīgi atzīstās. Un līdz šim viņš nav mani pievīlis. Empīrisms gan saka, nevar paļauties uz kaut ko tikai tāpēc, ka uz to varēja paļauties pagātnē. Varbūt Stīvs pēķšņi kļuvis par pimpi...

A Success Story @ Wikibooks:
I walked out of the classroom and could not recall anything from the exam. Not a single thing. Gone. It was all in short term memory. I still have that test.

Ticami. Tas gan nav tas, ko reklamē paši PhotoReading, bet manuprāt vienalga ļoti vērtīga prasme. Man kā reiz stāv priekšā vairāki smagi eksāmeni.

PhotoReading buklets:
25,000 words a minute? You’ve got to be kidding? [..] WARNING: This is not speed reading. [..] Speed reading is like looking at brick after brick after brick and eventually figuring out you are looking at a building. PhotoReading is like seeing the entire building right away, and then looking at the bricks when you need the details.

Nu tas buklets ir reklāma. Ko gan citu varēja gaidīt. Anyway, lasam tālāk.

PhotoReading buklets:
And, please remember that if for any reason you aren’t happy with PhotoReading, send it back. It comes with a 30-day guarantee that you can easily extend to six months. We are here to support you with FREE coaching and years of expertise. It is about as risk free as you can imagine.

Šitas gan ir interesanti. Ja tā ir patiesība, tad mēs varam šmaukties vēl vairāk! Pasūtam, nokopējam, aizsūtam apakaļ. Galā tas mums izmaksātu tikai aptuveni 30 latus neatkarīgi no tā, kuru edīciju pasūtam.
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