CannibalSmith - Post a comment

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punneryAugust 17th, 2006 - 07:47 pm
Ja tu, lasot sekojošo tekstu, smejies, tad vari sev ielikt 10 jeb A angļu valodā. Brought to you by forumites of Catharsis.

Axecutable (adj.) - Possible to be chopped at.
Benefiscal (adj.) - Financially helpful.
Classifrying (v.) - Identifying species by immersing in boiling oil.
Design (v.) - To remove publicly posted instructions.
Dienamic (adj.) - A morgue with all the drawer labels re-written with random characters.
Emotinomicon (n.) - Tome of ancient smiley knowledge.
Eon lights (n.) - What archaeologists working at night use.
Flee bargain (n.) - A tactic used to reduce a sentance by running away from it.
Giraffiti (n.) - Wall art ten feet off the ground.
Insanitea (n.) - A mentally unstable brewed beverage.
Kablahblah (n.) - Words spoken to you while half asleep.
Lactoes (n.) - Feet with milk spilt on them.
Meternity (n.) - The time it takes to be motherly.
Momsturous (adj.) - Describing someone 8 month pregnant.
Oxymoron (n.) - Idiot hyperventilating.
Orcastrated (n.) - The soundtrack for a killer whale movie.
Punder (v.) - To think about plays on words.
Praguematic (adj.) - A practical Czech.
Sublime (n.) - The volume inside a glass underneath the rim of a martini.
Subterfuselage (n.) - The sneaky part of a plane.
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