mirkļu rosols
finding myself.
1/10/11 02:00 am
Ahh nice to know ive got a social circle now and the new house is lush!
The new year so far has been crazy and filled with sleepless nights of creative work.
Either for own or uni purposes but I love it :P
1/9/11 08:35 am
and again Ive figured out all my little mysteries tonight..
1/9/11 07:28 am
bez pontiem šajā pilsētā nekur.
you want some? you'll get some ;)
1/8/11 02:22 am
aahhh cmooon! bring on the proper get fucking fit weights training month..!G
1/8/11 02:20 am
"In the midnight hour she cried - more, more, more"
1/8/11 12:36 am
piss me blind mate. the extorniotate amaount they want for those shoes... argh
1/6/11 02:39 am
ai nu protams ka es ticu mīlestībai no pirmā acu skatiena...
1/1/11 02:58 pm
yeah its still amazing just how inspired to DO stuff I get in the mornings.
The new year is here but im still wide awake pondering my plans :))
1/1/11 05:54 am
Its always been like that with me and challenges.
Bit intimidated at first but once you get going you get going..
12/26/10 07:21 am
UKs aight cos it has the industry LV hasnt but
in future im def not living in this country full time, full time
even if I have to learn a couple of new languages.
just need to make enough income to be on the move.
Ill get there..
12/26/10 05:47 am
nēēē ar katru reizi apsverot idejas, plānus un iespējas man šķiet ka šogad vasarā braukšu uz LV portfolio bildēt.
Vismaz mēnešus trīs tā intensīvi, ar pāris saviesīgajiem pa vidu.
Tā kā drīz... jāsāk plānot.
bļa mašīna gan noderētu.. bet nu labi.
12/26/10 04:09 am
slow, easily distracted but productive.. thats me today :)
12/19/10 06:51 am
i love my new parfume.
davidoff cool water.
12/18/10 04:00 am
all my current information/inspiration is one big pile of stacked vaguely structurized information.
seems like I grow through my little chaoses like these.
12/17/10 11:22 pm
The whole picture is starting to come together.
I feel ready finally.
12/13/10 06:17 am
and again I have to get up for work in one hour. Where does the time go huh ?
Sort of working through my new room.
Lack of storage space is just apalling.
Either you put stuff on the floor or store in bags.
Another major issue that needs sorting out as soon as Im out of my 600 quid overdraft.
Fucking busy week two weeks still til thursday at least.
12/11/10 05:15 am
Life full on. Im getting more thrown at in photography than ever which is exactly what I wanted.
Schools all rite mostly for the gear they have I can have,
for example free digital color prints up to A3
if I decide to kick an exhibition later on.
As weird as it may seem managed to meet my new house mates and lots of their friends
during the course of the past two days/nights,
having to just pop in for tobacco.
Such a total unpredictable chain of life even how I got the house.
Its good though everyones over 25, creative artists, professional and apparently party lots.
Im not in it for the parties though more like creative peers and new people.
Nice environment to be in.
and of course my hmmm hot Kasia :P
12/8/10 02:39 am
Guy Aroch.. aaaaaahhhhh....
12/7/10 03:30 am
Brīžiem nevaru kā gribas atpakaļ uz LV tieši dēļ meitenēm..
Nu ko tur padarīt, katram savas vājības ne ?
12/5/10 03:16 am
from her bed to mine.
this time to get some sleep :P
11/30/10 02:16 am
so so good to be young :P
11/26/10 12:57 am
score once again.
Moving in a new house in three weeks one street down from mine,
but with a nice kitchen, lounge and roof terrace..
Now I def cant wait for summer :P
11/24/10 10:53 pm
one more film and prints to be done,
then I can lay off course work for a bit again.
11/21/10 09:44 pm
Days after not sleeping are the best ever.
This in particular has been very productive
in terms of street photography.
Also myy new polish house mate is awesome.
I def need to get myself a polish girlfriend one day.
And finally ive got my two LCD setup.
good day! need sleep now!
11/21/10 07:23 am
the more I look at it the more I love it..
I know theres zero styling and makeup,
but since it was a part of a 5 minute school project consisting of three ppl
Im more than happy she walked in the door.
11/21/10 05:39 am
Work of Vincent Peters blows my mind every time
and the models of course.
Makes remember every time that the model is 50% of the image!
11/21/10 04:15 am
my sleeping regime has been so chaotic for the past couple of days.
Also I sooo need to setup my second 23'lcd.
So much more information you can fit on two screens.
11/19/10 07:13 am
I do have my mood swings but
I am happy being myself here, today, now.. :)
Lovely feeling when things are working out.
11/18/10 05:14 am
im still astonished by the seemingly endless amount of pre-production
that it seems to take to get stuff done properly...
11/18/10 03:12 am
shes back on friday.
I better get all the work out of the way for saturday/sunday..
bit behind on boring school projects,
but has to be done.
but honestly who can concentrate on history
when youre diving into the possibilities of makeup and styling in photography.
11/17/10 01:24 am
okay time to read some books and get a basic makeup kit together.
girls hold on Im coming :D hhah
11/16/10 12:37 am
models, make-up, clothes.
havent got anything.
11/14/10 01:29 am
Not settling down until Ive properly been eeverywhere around the world.
In future just have to define properly.. (:
11/12/10 06:44 pm
l a z y !
11/11/10 12:19 am
Turns out that my single bed isnt all that bad.. :D
11/9/10 12:19 am
The whole new era of FB, Twitter, spotify, google translator ceases to amaze me.
11/6/10 04:51 am
I always get into this staying up late thing once I get the chance
then in the morning I look like shit..
11/6/10 01:17 am
I feel so liberated once again changing my mind back to photography.
Lets not compensate on dreams :)
11/4/10 12:27 am
Looking through all different lighting setups, modifiers, reflectors, cards, studio strobes,
speedlites, light qualities give me such a buzzz..
11/3/10 08:30 pm
I need a car and summer..
Throw in a couple of models and Im happy.
11/3/10 04:47 am
risk sounding a bit geeky but an excellent lighting research session.
11/3/10 01:55 am
I still so would love to do commercial photography I just keep switching all the time.. arghh...
10/31/10 12:51 am
Done my first set of shot-lists. Finally.
10/29/10 07:37 pm
why am I so much more creative, relaxed, inspired,
motivated, joyful and one with myself when Im high...?
Theres plenty of reasons I dont like weed
but then these are the ones which occasionally
keep me coming back.
Guess theres not much I can change about it
neither Im doing it often
but I find this to be a bit sad that the best times Ive had
in the past year Ive always been stoned..
10/28/10 02:36 am
wicked couple of days.
10/27/10 04:20 am
Thats where the student life starts to get expensive,
my pc cannot handle editing 13mp files in photoshop not to mention
running several editors at the same time.
10/27/10 12:33 am
I think ive found my most favourite after a long time...!
http://www.corbijn.co.uk/And just a note to myself, Im doing graphic design for the next three years and part-time photography.