mirkļu rosols

November 21st, 2010

04:15 am

my sleeping regime has been so chaotic for the past couple of days.

Also I sooo need to setup my second 23'lcd.
So much more information you can fit on two screens.

05:39 am

Work of Vincent Peters blows my mind every time
and the models of course.

Makes remember every time that the model is 50% of the image!

07:23 am

the more I look at it the more I love it..
I know theres zero styling and makeup,
but since it was a part of a 5 minute school project consisting of three ppl
Im more than happy she walked in the door.


09:44 pm

Days after not sleeping are the best ever.
This in particular has been very productive
in terms of street photography.

Also myy new polish house mate is awesome.
I def need to get myself a polish girlfriend one day.

And finally ive got my two LCD setup.
good day! need sleep now!
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