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[Sep. 13th, 2024|11:00 pm]
“Extroverts simply cannot be truth-tellers. It is anathema to them because the truth incurs high social penalties.”
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Albert Pike [Aug. 5th, 2024|11:47 am]
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[Jul. 19th, 2024|12:20 pm]
"people are not stupid; they are busy."
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[Jul. 8th, 2024|02:17 pm]
Mums ir jauns ārlietu ministrs

... Henry VII ....
... Yugoslavia ...

Gan jau.
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[May. 22nd, 2024|09:38 pm]
Arse hurts from 140 km on the velo, looking for a car. Used-car salesmen have got an answer for everything: even smoke coming from the engine. Are they like that at home? There must have been a skit based on them: 'It's normal for your wallet to be empty - especially if it's been standing on the table for a few days'.
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[May. 20th, 2024|08:57 am]
slovakia... iran...
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Datblygu [May. 10th, 2024|11:41 pm]

Šī dziesma ir manas vecākās meitas pirmā atmiņa. Mēs viņu ielaidām musu istabā, jo kaimiņa trokšņi aiz sienas viņai bija tumši gari.

Saksofons sākās, un Amnēzija viņu ieveda apziņas pasaulē. Es tikko virtuvē nospēlēju dziesmu un viņa dejoja – mierīgi izteiksmīgi.

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[May. 8th, 2024|09:48 pm]
These fucking people. I swear it's a death cult.
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[May. 3rd, 2024|05:10 pm]
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[Mar. 22nd, 2024|10:39 pm]
Es nogalināju laiku lidostā, lasot National Geographic izdevumu par slepenajām biedrībām. Arī rakstīts tādā AI stilā - nopietni (coolly earnest), skaidri un virspusēji. It kā lasītāji būtu atpalikuši, kuriem kaut kādu dīvainu iemeslu dēļ ir vajadzīgas zināšanas - vai viņu mātes.
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Israel- Palestine [Mar. 20th, 2024|03:31 pm]

"With all due respect, you are a fantastic moron."

Tomēr es diezgan daudz iemācījos no šī 5 stundu strīda starp Finkelstein + Rabbani un Morris + Bennecelli.

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Collision course with Devil [Feb. 21st, 2024|09:12 pm]
Tulkoju kaadu satanistu/nesatanasitu darbu. Dievs zina, ka dzeks ir - spreidu es no vinja teikumumiem - neparaak gudrs.

Taada sajuta ir (kameer peetu fonu), ka makslinieka reakcija uz PSRS ir shad tad berniskiigs - kaut kaada puisiska subkultuura (runaaju par sliekaam) un tie, kas iebilda ir nobriedushaaki (lai gan mazaak - hah hah - inteligenti).

Vieniigais, kas man nepatik, ir centiens ieviest satanu (vispaar jurists) latvieshu paganismaa - caur kaadu upi es nezinu (hermetic - golden dawn esotericism - wiccan witch cult?) Nezinu: dzeks klusee, kameer sudzas par to, ka daudzi neiedzilinaajas.

Ja kaads reali rubi, ludzu... gatavs esmu maciities.

atvainojos par suudigi latvieshu valodu - jau zini, ka nemaaku.
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[Feb. 19th, 2024|09:52 pm]
"I knocked on the door of the next to top floor of Corso Vittorio 197 and a youthful, tall, rangy character, undoubtedly older than I, opened the door: his expression was between Buddhist and Olympic, his bearing quite calm. Having at once intuited the meaning of my visit, or rather, lack of one, Evola promptly met me with genuine affection and this affection was the strength of the connection, beyond dialectics and doctrine, that linked me to him for years.

As I wrote in my book From Yoga to the Rosicrucians, I didn’t know that Evola had followed an esoteric path for a time and directed a group of aspirants to initiation, although his name was familiar to me from the journal Ignis."
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[Feb. 8th, 2024|10:31 pm]
feeling emotional
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[Jan. 19th, 2024|09:05 am]
Sociologi raksta par dažiem Ābrahāmiem un jaunām angļu meitenēm.
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[Jan. 15th, 2024|08:43 pm]
Err, is that not Satan drinking from the river of blood coming from the woman who has given birth to a demon?

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Anglijaa [Jan. 3rd, 2024|02:54 pm]
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[Dec. 12th, 2023|09:37 pm]
Christopher, you need to stop!
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Zizek [Dec. 1st, 2023|03:38 pm]

palēnām palīdzot politkorektajiem pateikt dažas patiesas lietas

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[Nov. 16th, 2023|07:16 pm]
Wife's best friend's daughter is rocking it on X-factor. But, boy, the stories about the kitchen. You would not believe it! Nothing is as it seems!!

Hah hah.

Last time I spent time with her we went out to a secret location for the unclean in the sticks. Almost the last time I cried.
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