(no subject)
Feb. 10th, 2025 | 07:42 pm
posted by: slepkava in pajautaa
Jāpajautā cibiņiem kadā īsti ir pieredze ar savu iepriekšējo auto pārdošanu, kā veicies pašiem, varbūt varat ieteikt kādu servisu, kas nesāpīgi un jauki to nokārto?
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kādā veidā strādā US AIDS (poļu piemērs, bet citur un pie mums tāpat)
Feb. 8th, 2025 | 06:25 pm
posted by: gnidrologs
VSquare is an "investigative journalism" outfit which describes itself this way:
VSquare is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, as well as Fundacja Reporterów, a Polish journalist organisation, its parent organisation.
Fundacja Reporterów is in turn funded by... the National Endowment for Democracy, as well as the Global Anti-Corruption Consortium, IJ4EU, OIP, Germany's Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Journalismfund, Erasmus+, and the Dutch Embassy.
One step further:
Those are only a few steps removed from the individual NGO node, and the information is all there on those "About Us" pages. It is a vast, interlocking network of organisations, sub-organisations, money flows and donors who somehow all support the same exact agenda. Individual sums are not enormous, but they are everywhere, and they add up to colossal amounts.
However, a lot of that money comes from a few large sources like USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy, Open Society Foundations, and the EU. Cutting off one or two of the money streams will force a lot of these outfits into survival mode. The entire network will shrink and lose a lot of power.
VSquare is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, as well as Fundacja Reporterów, a Polish journalist organisation, its parent organisation.
Fundacja Reporterów is in turn funded by... the National Endowment for Democracy, as well as the Global Anti-Corruption Consortium, IJ4EU, OIP, Germany's Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Journalismfund, Erasmus+, and the Dutch Embassy.
One step further:
Those are only a few steps removed from the individual NGO node, and the information is all there on those "About Us" pages. It is a vast, interlocking network of organisations, sub-organisations, money flows and donors who somehow all support the same exact agenda. Individual sums are not enormous, but they are everywhere, and they add up to colossal amounts.
However, a lot of that money comes from a few large sources like USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy, Open Society Foundations, and the EU. Cutting off one or two of the money streams will force a lot of these outfits into survival mode. The entire network will shrink and lose a lot of power.
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(no subject)
Feb. 8th, 2025 | 06:02 pm
posted by: gnidrologs
Nez cik daudz vietējo, tagad nelabi ķērcošo, kreisi-sātanisko mošķu bija piesūkušies kādam no USAID (more like AIDS) projektiņiem. Až nabas saiti nogrieza. Tagad būs jāmācās kodēt.
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(no subject)
Feb. 5th, 2025 | 07:09 pm
posted by: gnidrologs
Tramps uzņemas atbildību un līderību pār kanibālu noziegumiem. Vajadzēja vien atbrīvot vietu jaunam ekonomiskajam brīnumam, kārtējo slaucamo govi izredzētajiem.
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(no subject)
Feb. 5th, 2025 | 05:00 pm
posted by: lavendera in pajautaa
Kas jādara, lai nemaksātu muitu, ja no ASV sūta mazpaciņu privātpersona privātpersonai?
(Sūda tirgotājs neatsūtīja preci uz ASV adresi laikus, lai to atvestu uz Ziemassvētkiem rokasbagāžā, un uz sūdzību izliekas par beigtu.)
(Sūda tirgotājs neatsūtīja preci uz ASV adresi laikus, lai to atvestu uz Ziemassvētkiem rokasbagāžā, un uz sūdzību izliekas par beigtu.)
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(no subject)
Feb. 4th, 2025 | 12:56 pm
posted by: gnidrologs
Prieks skatīties kā neoboļševisti psiho, ka nevarēs vairs molestēt bērnus un piesārņot administratīvo aparātu ar viņu sātaniski šizofrēnisko cilvēku izkropļošanas kultu. Šiem necilvēkiem gan pienāktos daudz smagāks sods par vienkāršu atlaišanu no darba un viņu "amata" likvidēšanu. Visus hiršfeldistus šķeldotājā.
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(no subject)
Feb. 1st, 2025 | 03:15 pm
posted by: kbrgs_ in pajautaa
Ir arī skaista sarkana piekaramā lampa no Marokas: tika dāvināta, bet tā arī neatradu pielietojumu. Varbūt kādam nepieciešams? Šāda tipa: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/6c/50/776c50514d3cfd2ce339e60b254f5713.jpg
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Jan. 31st, 2025 | 08:37 pm
posted by: gnidrologs
Way I interpret it is; if you have normal levels of testosterone: you will act on your morals and opinions instead trying to conform to others and accept totalitarian views/ adopt brainwashing.
It's the similar thesis about women and their right to vote. If one leaves the constraints of ideas it's easy to see the logic.