(no subject)
Jul. 18th, 2013 | 07:18 pm
interesanti, ka, atšķetinot ļoti sarežģītās dvēseles ciešanas, ārā nāk ārzemju dziesmu vārdi.
I'm cold, I'm scared, there's nobody out there
don't leave me high don't leave me dry
visu dzīvi esmu izmantots
I'm cold, I'm scared, there's nobody out there
don't leave me high don't leave me dry
visu dzīvi esmu izmantots
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(no subject)
Jul. 18th, 2013 | 08:48 pm
Kā arī
The only ones to care are the ones who want to harvest your organs
The only ones to care are the ones who want to harvest your organs