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Web Design - The Complete Reference [eBook][2nd Edition][Eng][2006] [25 Jan 2007|01:16pm]
Lasot sākum dāļu, kur autors izklāsta web lapas darbības ātrumus , skatītajā uztveres principus nonācu pie jauka citāta. ;)

..... "They’ll literally spend hours searching for and
downloading songs when they could have gone out, worked at a near-minimum-wage
job, and earned enough to purchase an entire CD in a similar period of time" ...

+ tiku pie jaunks lietotājbildītes :)
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es [25 Jan 2007|01:49pm]
es aizbraukšu viens uz Londonu.
Vasarā - Jūlijā vai Augustā . Uz kādu nedēļu. Jā.
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citāts no kāda foruma. [25 Jan 2007|02:32pm]
tie birst un birst

... Just remember that a pro photgrapher is half Business half Art. Dont forget about learning how to run a business also. A lot of photographers forget about this major detail....
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