black_robin's Journal
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black_robin's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 | 11:10 pm |
Nenāk miegs, bindžoju Dandadan.
Tā sakarā atceros, ka ar vienu tuvu draudzeni man pirmais nopietnais strīds bija kādā 7.klasē par to vai citplanētieši eksistē vai neeksistē. Viņa bija pilnīgi pārliecināta, ka ne (Neviens nav atradis!), savukārt es - ka pilnīgi noteikti (Visums ir bezgalīgs!). Mēs strīdu vēlāk turpinājām arī stundas laikā, sarakstoties uz lapiņas. Es to lapiņu pēc tam ilgi glabāju, bet pazuda tāpat. Kā jau viss. | Monday, January 6th, 2025 | 8:58 am |
Masks bišķi aizrāvies:
"America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government yes/no"
Atgādināja sarunu no simpsonu filmas:
- S-sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power...
- Of course I have. You ever tried going mad without power? It's boring. No one listens to you! | Saturday, January 4th, 2025 | 12:37 pm |
Vakar noskatījos delfi interviju par kuru šodien vārās soctīkli. Tātad, ja tu esi sieviete, kura publiski atļaujas kritizēt atsevišķus feminisma aspektus, tad reakcija ir arī šāda:
"Kāpēc viņa sēž intervijā nevis dzemdē, audzina bērnus un stāv virtuvē, aptekalējot vīrieti?"
"Un vēl tik agresīvi, kā sievietei vispār nepieklājas! Sievietei ar šādu pārliecību ir taču tikai jādzemdē un jāsmērē sviestmaizes."
"Marš mājās! ...pati nav pie pavarda, neauž, bet blandās apkārt."
"Jāsāk ar viņas aizsūtīšanu uz virtuvi."
Izklausās pēc tiem nolādētajiem patriarhāļiem, ne? Nope. Tā ir reakcija no feministēm un viņu sabiedrotajiem. Feminisma pirmais bauslis: tev nebūs kritizēt nevienu feminisma aspektu, jo tad es reağēšu tieši tādā veidā kā tie cilvēki, kurus es nicinu. | 10:58 am |
Pārlasu Kamillu Pagliu. Šad un tad viņai nepiekrītu, bet kopumā no visiem autoriem, kas raksta par feminisma tēmām man viņa patīk vislabāk. Viņā iekšā deg skaista uguns un to var just caur tekstu.  | Friday, January 3rd, 2025 | 8:07 pm |
 [zinu, ka nav tehniski precīzi, bet man patīk nevertheless] | 8:02 pm |
Current Music: jamie xx - breather | Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 | 8:32 pm |
Vienā no pusaudzībā lasītajām Vonnegūta grāmatām (neatceros kurā) bija varonis, kurš bija atmetis smēķēšanu un, ja mani atmiņa neviļ, viņš to sev atgādināja ik reizi, ja nācās piedzīvot kādu dzīves rūgtumu - jā, ir slikti, bet...vismaz es vairs nesmēķēju.
Es to varētu darīt ar politiku, piemēram: aizbraucām uz mežu un laiks bija drausmīgs, pretīgi drēgns un visur dubļi, bet - vismaz neviens nerunāja par politiku. Vai arī: kaķis šodien izskatījās tāds mazliet nikns, bet - viņš būtu daudz niknāks, ja apzinātos pašreizējo politisko situāciju. | 7:57 pm |
Sāku jauno gadu ar kaut ko jaunu. Es bieži lasu diskusijas un komentārus, bet iesaistos reti. Šodien ierakstīju savu pirmo komentāru soctīklu platformā, kuru lasīšanas režīmā lietoju jau desmitgadēm. Man par pārsteigumu neviens ne tikai nepieteicās man sadot pa seju, bet reağēja tik pozitīvi, ka tas mani mazliet pat izbrīnīja. Droši vien kuru katru mirkli pienāks zvans no premjera un/vai karaļnama par šo augstvērtīgo sasniegumu manā dzīvē. Vismaz tam nebija nekāda sakara ar politiku. | Sunday, December 29th, 2024 | 9:50 pm |
| 9:46 pm |
| Friday, December 27th, 2024 | 4:34 pm |
| Monday, December 23rd, 2024 | 3:56 pm |
2024. gads saskaņā ar manā telefonā katrā mēnesī pirmo noglabāto bildi. (ja tajā dienā nekas nav seivots vai arī tas ir kas personisks, tad otro vai trešo etc.) ( ... ) | 10:03 am |
Visu rītu skan galvā: Nice to know my kind will be on my side..i don't believe the hype..and you know you're a terrible sight, but you'll be just fine..just don't believe the hype | Saturday, December 21st, 2024 | 10:12 am |
 Man bija padomā viens nejauks ieraksts, bet tad nolēmu līdz svētkiem neko nejauku nerakstīt..un nekādu politiku. Lai gaiši. | Friday, December 20th, 2024 | 5:50 pm |
owl and goat | Thursday, December 19th, 2024 | 10:32 pm |
Pieejot pie virtuves loga šobrīd var redzēt Marsu ar neapbruņotu aci. Tas oranži mirgo pa labi virs Mēness. | Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 | 1:02 pm |
( 3 lols ) Current Music: Orbital - Bath Time | 10:01 am |
Interesanta eseja par hibernāciju. our ancestors use hibernation to survive through the winter when it was cold outside or food supplies dwindled? Or is the entire notion of hibernation related to winter misconstrued, and we need a new and fresh perspective? As we know, there are tropical lemurs that can hibernate at high body temperatures, which suggests that being related to winter is a contingent and unimportant feature of a much broader phenomenon than the name suggests. Scientists now agree that animals hibernate not only to save energy or overwinter cold seasons, but as a way to deal with other environmental calamities. This may include wildfires, heatwaves, storms and perhaps even natural disasters on a cosmic scale, such as the meteorite collisions with Earth that wiped out the dinosaurs but spared small primitive mammals that could well have survived thanks to their gift of hibernating. .. For example – what is the relationship between hibernation and sleep? Recent research in several hibernating species reveals that animals often enter the state of hibernation via sleep, as if sleep were the gateway to the state of hibernation, being the first step towards hypometabolism. Where does sleep end and hibernation begin? That’s not an easy question to answer definitively. The relationship between torpor and sleep remains poorly understood and at best confusing, not least because of a lack of clearly defined concepts in this area. Hibernating animals appear to be sleeping, yet we define sleep using explicitly brain- and behaviour-centric criteria, such as immobility, an elevated arousal threshold and characteristic brainwaves, while hibernation and torpor are defined based on metabolic criteria. Perhaps sleep has evolved from more ‘primitive’ hypometabolic states, and the animal that goes from sleep to hibernation recapitulates that evolution in reverse? Can we perhaps even view sleep as an aborted form of hibernation, emerging when our ancestors learned to apply the break at the right moment, to remain in control of the bodily state rather than plunging into torpidity? .. Beigās ir izteikts minējums, ka varbūt cilvēku suga vienmēr ir zinājusi kā hibernēties un tas tiks darīts mirklī, kad citas izejas vairs nebūs. | Tuesday, December 17th, 2024 | 12:17 pm |
punching down ir tāds feministu podkāsts 'Visas labas', šad tad paklausos. Nesen tur bija jautājums vai drīkst jokot par visu un tika izteikta doma, ka ne, ka nevar par tiem, kas hierarhijā ir zemāk par tevi.
Šorīt klausījos interviju, kurā Endrū Doils no savas žurnālista/satīriķa/komiķa perspektīvas skaisti ielika šo domu kontekstā:
"...and then there this movement came along which we might call wokeness or critical social justice or whatever you want to call it, which was effectively a new powerful force in society which no one was ridiculing. It was as though for all of us this one closed system of thought had somehow successfully portrayed itself as the underdog and therefore became ring-fenced from satirical attention which is an interesting unprecedented thing. Normally we know the church, the state, the government, whatever..we know who the powerful people are and we know where the satirists target will be. But this was a group that said if you mock us, you're actually punching're a bully, even though this whole movement is of legitimizing bullying."
Un vērtīga piebilde no intervētāja: "It's also a movement that was based on the belief that virtually every form of interaction can be construed as a kind of bullying given that there's no human motivation fundamentally other than that of power." | Monday, December 16th, 2024 | 7:05 pm |
Batlere nav feminisma filozofe, bet kvīru teorētiķe. Feminisms analizē varas attiecības starp dzimumiem, Batlere tās apslēpj. |
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