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Saturday, December 14th, 2024

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    Lasu jau vairākas dienas vārīšanos par only fans meiteni, kura pāgulēja ar 100 vīriešiem vienā dienā (vai naktī) un tagad sāpīgi izjūt negatīvās sekas. No vienas puses ir feministes kā Bindela, kas vaino vīriešus, kas uz šo aicinājumu atsaucās, no otras puses vīrieši, kas saka, bet paga, vai tad šī sieviete nav spējīga pati pieņemt lēmumu, viņa taču deva savu piekrišanu.

    Šis viedoklis man šķita interesants:

    "I view women who do porn the same way as I would view a schizophrenic man walking around punching himself in the head repeatedly.

    If I were to say "this man is unwell. He needs to stop being allowed to walk around punching himself in the head” - the response to that would not be "stop infantilizing him!! he has agency!"

    Why? Because we recognize that the schizophrenic man walking around punching himself in the head is not normal. He is doing something contrary to sanity. He is harming himself.

    The question of his “autonomy" or “agency” or “consent” would be irrelevant. And trying to make it a broad gotcha or commentary about the "autonomy" of the *entire male sex* would be retarded because he is not an example of the average man.

    Similarly, (non-trafficked) women who do porn are not the average woman.

    They are not normal. They are an outlier demographic riddled with mental illness and that much is apparent simply in the fact they are harming and humiliating themselves publicly, repeatedly.

    They’re doing something contrary to sanity, thus demonstrating they have no capacity to make correct decisions in the first place. Their autonomy is irrelevant, and certainly isn’t a reflection of women in general.

    This even goes for those women who tell me how much they love doing porn. Literally no different to me than if the schizo man told me how much he loved punching himself in the head.

    The ramblings of a crazy person, not meant to be taken seriously."

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