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Monday, September 2nd, 2024

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    "..we know that, when homing, pigeons fly as to keep their favorite partners to the left, where they can be monitored by the right hemisphere, and pigeons observe visual cues from a given conspecific more closely with their left eye, and are more responsive to what is seen to their left. By contrast, birds' territorial behavior is right eye (LH) dominated. Similarly, male fish show more sexually motivated behavior using their right eye (LH), females with the left eye (RH); and both generally more affiliate behaviour with their left eye (RH). Bottlenose dolphins tend to stroke other dolphins more with their left flipper, and keep their preferred conspecifics to the left. At the most primal level, the emphatically connected right hemisphere prefers to keep what it guards to its left: creatures as various as whales, walruses and flying foxes prefer to keep their young to the left of them, a tendency I have had on occasion also to observe with ewes and their lambs."

    Man vajadzēja sagūglēt, kas ir lidojošās lapsas, izrādās, ka sikspārņi.
    Ja jūs vēlaties krindžot 20 min garumā, tad silti iesaku noklausīties bbc interviju, kurā čuvaks, kurš uzskata sevi par non-binary stāsta, ko tas nozīmē. Dzimte un dzimums tur tiek jaukti konstanti, vienā brīdī viņš atzīst, ka vīrietis un sieviete nenozīmē neko - jo viņa apdzīvotajā universā katram tas var nozīmēt kaut ko citu, kā arī viņš atzīst, ka izjūt eiforiju, spēlējoties ar savu dženderu.

    Vēl viņš ļoti nonšalanti izmeta, ka valstīs, kurās ir self ID neesot nekādu problēmu. Es kā reiz nesen pabeidzu vienu meksikāņu feminisma filozofes grāmatu un viņai bija šis tas par to sakāms. Par šo grāmatu ir uzrakstīts labs apskats, ja kādu interesē. Te ielikšu fragmentu:

    "To give but one example, she writes of a snafu in Oaxaca wherein 17 men claimed government seats reserved for women by posing as “trans.” The theft was denounced by representatives of an indigenous Zapotec “third gender” comprised of feminized men known as “muxes.” The muxe men argued that the other men disingenuously asserted “trans identity” for personal political gain, and because it is our bad luck to live in a Man’s World, the Mexican state took seriously their cries of injustice. The “fake trans” candidates were summarily suspended, and electoral law was amended to include the shiny new crime of “gender identity usurpation.”

    Women, of course, are in no position to lodge analogous complaints against men professing trans-womanhood, because a man is a woman if he says he is: trans women are women. As if the point needed any further driving home, when a similar fraud occurred in Tlaxcala in 2021, the president of Mexico’s National Institute for Women bemoaned that the imposters were stealing “spaces that belong to trans women” and “women in their broadest diversity.” Predictably, females per se were not mentioned. As Lecuona observes, “there can be real trans and fake trans,” but there cannot be “real women and fake women.” By transgenderist dictate, men are the rightful owners of womanhood, so only men can be defrauded."

    Kas attiecas uz bbc interviju un vēl plašāk, tas ir kaut kas nudien īpašs, ka cilvēks ar savām parafīlijām var būt tik pārliecināts, ka tajā ir jāvelk iekšā pilnīgi visa sabiedrība un tas ir jāieraksta likumā un ikvienam ir jāizliekas, ka tādējādi tiek radīta jauna, alternatīva realitāte, kurā viņa vēlme uzkrāsot lūpas vai kā citādi 'eiforiski spēlēties ar dženderu' viņu padara vai nu par piederīgu pretējam vai nevienam dzimumam. (Viņš teiktu 'dzimtei', bet tas ir valodas triks: visas sievietēm paredzētās vietas, kuras izcīnīja agrāko paaudžu feministes - atsevišķas publiskās tualetes, krīzes centri, sporta kategorija etc, tika izcīnītas sieviešu dzimumam, nevis dzimtei. Sievietēm tās ir vajadzīgas nevis viņu identifikācijas dēļ, bet tādēļ, ka tā ir viņu fiziskā realitāte un viņu ķermenis, kam nepieciešama aizsardzība. Saujiņai vīriešu, kura tā raujas uz šīm vietām, tās ir nepieciešamas viņu fantāzijas validācijai un sievietēm nav jāpakļaujas, kad kārtējais milzis kleitā savā ted talk prezentācijā stāsta, ka viņs uztaisīs pašnāvību, ja viņu neielaidīs sieviešu tualetē.)

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