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Thursday, August 1st, 2024

    Time Event
    Šorīt olimpiskajā boksa ringā vīrietis krauj sievietei pa seju iekļaušanas un vienlīdzības vārdā.

    Starptautiskā boksa asociācija vēl vakar izplatīja paziņojumu, ka šis un vēl viens bokseris ir diskvalificējami no sieviešu kategorijas. Sieviešu bokss kā oficiāls olimpiskais sporta veids pastāv tikai kopš 2012. gada.
    piekrītu Evai Kurilovai
    "I think it's important not to frame this as a "trans" issue as many are doing. That's its own separate problem. Today, thanks to gender ideology and the subsumation of "intersex" under the queer umbrella, they are indeed intertwined and the situation is confusing. But the issue of males with DSDs competing as women goes back further and developed for its own reasons.

    Of course, at the end of the day, the stupidly simple solution is no males in female sport - whether they are trans identifying or had their sex incorrectly identified at birth due to a genetic condition."

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